About Us

I have been in sales of some sort since I was a kid. I used to sell candy door to door for spending money. I would walk the two miles home from school knocking on every door trying to earn a few dollars. By the time I was in high school, I was able to pay my way to Russia for a Mission trip! I have sold everything from Pampered Chef to vacuum cleaners.
When Troy and I were married by a JOP, we, okay maybe he is more accurate, never dreamt we would parent eleven children. Secretly, I hoped and prayed for ten kids, so the poor guy never had a chance! ;) When I went to a crisis pregnancy center to see if we were expecting, they gave me a little purple dinosaur rattle for our baby. When I went to see Daddy at work, and he asked me what the results were, I presented the toy to him. He was ecstatic, to say the least. We have endured several losses alongside the eleven blessings we now boast.
I began making diapers after ten years of cloth diapering my own babies. I grew tired of the leaky legs or blowouts in the back, and my high school friend sent me my first pattern. I began tweaking it and soon designed a cover that contained all blowouts from my kids. I had perfect strangers asking me where I got my diapers. One very persistent lady asked me to sell them to her. She was my first customer, and my business grew from there. We are finally to a point where we can give back, and we have chosen a local family ministry here that grew out of a crisis pregnancy center. A portion of every sell goes to support Bridgehaven ministries in Cedar Rapids, IA.

We believe that every baby is a gift from God. In keeping with this belief, every order includes a special gift and is wrapped whenever size permits.We are here to help mommies find some of the best cloth diapers and unique baby items at the best prices.
We specialize in the unique. We are more than just cloth diapers...we are the "everything baby" store! We have one of a kind pocket diapers, fitted diapers, all in ones, baby gift sets, burp cloths, lap gowns, bibs, blankets, quilts, lovies, and so much more.
Feel free to send me an email for business related questions! email: fotwdiapers@gmail.com
